El Primero

Hello, world.
This has been a long time coming. How long exactly? Well, I’ve been keeping a Log1 for about two-and-half years now. For a plethora of times the thought of making atleast some of these musings public has crossed my mind, but the roadblock in choosing an appropriate medium remained.

So what changed?
Nothing really, just remembered all those times when I didn’t want to go out of my way to do something, but eventually did (mostly because my mom told me to), and ended up doing something awesome, or just feeling awesome! So thanks to Amma2, I will get out of my comfort zone, in this theme that I don’t really like in its current format, and go ahead and post some of my cogitations right here. Feel free to ping me for any interesting discussions, thoughts, or for bouquets and brickbats.

Till next time… #HalaMadrid

1 Yes, I call it a Log. And no, don’t snigger, it is not a diary.
2 No, I don’t have Tamil origins. So why do I call her that, and my sister Akka? Well, long story, let’s keep that for another time…

Written on October 30, 2017 +1151
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